Workplace Relations Act, 2015
The Workplace Relations Act 2015 (the “Act”) has been in…

The Commercial Lease Database
The Property Services (Regulation) Act 2011 (“the Act”) saw…

Cork Dublin Chamber Dinner 2015
OFX were represented again at the 2015 Cork Chamber’s Dublin…

Building Control Regulations 2014 and 2015
The introduction of the new Building Control (Amendment) Regulations…

Proceeds of Sale Clause
[fusion_text]Proceeds of Sale
The Court of Appeal recently handed…

OFX are delighted to announce the recent appointment of Judith Curtin to the firm. Prior to joining OFX, Judith worked as a Senior Commercial Lawyer in the Gas Networks Ireland business of Ervia. Judith has built up a wealth of experience in commercial contracts and outsourcing including procurement law, with a particular focus on IT contracts and data protection. Judith also advises on employment law and is a certified Adjudicator.

The Urban Regeneration and Housing Act 2015
The Urban Regeneration and Housing Act 2015 (the “2015 Act”) was passed on 28 July 2015 and commenced (with the exception of one section) on 1 September 2015. The intended purpose of the 2015 Act is, through penalties and incentives, to spur developers and landowners into developing land zoned for residential use and / or urban land identified by local authorities as needing regeneration.

Protected Disclosures Act 2014
Protected Disclosures Act 2014 (“the Act”) The Act provides protection to workers who make protected disclosures of certain types of information. It came into effect on 15th July 2015. In common parlance it is to protect “whistle blowers”.

OFX and Cope Foundation Golf Classic
OFX once again continued its long standing association with Cope Foundation in sponsoring this year's Cope Foundation Charitable Trust Golf Classic.
This year the event was held at Monkstown Golf Club on August 27th.
Cope Foundation supports 2,300 children and adults with intellectual disabilities and/or autism in 65 different locations.

Unfortunately there are two certainties in life; death and taxes. It is estimated that a third of people die without having made a Will. This can often cause hardship for those left behind and it can result in long delays, during an already difficult time, in sorting out the deceased’s affairs.

Power of Attorney/EPA
As we are living longer the numbers of us who lose the mental capacity to manage our own affairs is increasing and there has been an increase in the number of clients who wish to put an EPA in place so that they have the peace of mind that in the event that they lose the capacity to deal with their affairs they have already set out by law whom (the person(s) named as your Attorney(s) in your EPA) is to look after either (i) your financial and real estate affairs and /or (ii) your health and personal affairs.

OFX entered a team in the Grant Thornton 5K Corporate Challenge…