Legal Requirements in a Digital Age: Wills

In 2020 it seems extraordinary that even in extreme circumstances…

Business Interruption Insurance: COVID-19

Many businesses have recently been forced to close due to the…

COVID-19: The temporary measures a business may consider

In light of the unprecedented global impact of COVID-19 on businesses,…

The A, B, and C…oronavirus

With the first three cases of Covid-19 arriving on Irish shores,…

O’Flynn Exhams appoints Judith Curtin and Joan Byrne as partners

OFX are delighted to announce that Judith Curtin and Joan Byrne…

OFX welcomes two new solicitors to the team

We are delighted to announce two new solicitors to our team at…

O’Flynn Exhams Solicitors appoints Shane Crossan as managing partner

O’Flynn Exhams (OFX) Solicitors is delighted to announce that…

OFX acts in relation to the development of new Primary Care Centre in Offaly

Micheál Ó’Mulláin recently led the O’Flynn Exhams team…

Company Owners beware – order for costs granted against a non-party to proceedings

W.L. Construction Ltd -v- Chawke & Ors [2019] IESC 74 Introduction The…

What employers need to know about their Gender Pay Gap reporting obligations

With Brexit at the forefront of every Irish employer’s mind,…

O’Flynn Exhams sponsors Social Enterprise Category at the Network Ireland Businesswoman Of The Year Awards 2019

O’Flynn Exhams is delighted to sponsor the Social Enterprise…

OFX hosts Employment Law Breakfast Seminar with Hays Ireland

O’Flynn Exhams (OFX) Solicitors, in conjunction with Hays…